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FOLO – Balducci, State Farm, Jim...

FOLO – Balducci, State Farm, Jim Hood, Scruggs all together in one paragraph!

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 26, 2008

Balducci, State Farm, Jim Hood, Scruggs all together in one paragraph!

Balducci further explained, prior to this March 2007 meeting [with Scruggs], the Scruggs Law Firm (SLF) was trying to settle some Katarina [sic] Insurance cases with the State Farm Insurance Company (SFIC). SLF and SFIC were near a settlement, however, Dickie Scruggs (DS) learned that the Mississippi State Attorney Generals office had threatened to indict SFIC due to some impasses between the Attorney General’s office and SFIC. SFIC was not going to settle the civil cases with SLF, if the company was going to be indicted by the Attorney General’s office. DS asked Steve Patterson (SP) to speak with Attorney General Jim Hood since SP and Hood had a longstanding relationship. DS offered to pay Patterson Balducci $500,000 if they could get Hood to relent on indicting SFIC. Balducci accompanied SP to a meeting with Hood and Hood later agreed not to indict SFIC. SLF eventually settled with SFIC and that settlement yielded approximately $26 millions in attorneys fees. DS reneged on his pledge to pay Patterson Balducci $500,000, but later agreed to pay Patterson Balducci $100,000 per month over five months. The SLF first paid Patterson Balducci $100,000 in March 2007 and eventually paid the entire $500,000.


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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.