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Draft Haley for VP ad to run in Phoenix...

Draft Haley for VP ad to run in Phoenix and Jackson

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 22, 2008

With Senator John McCain (R-Az.) as the predicted GOP front-runner, people are beginning to speculate on his running mate. Pundits and voters agree that if McCain secures the nomination, he will need a strong conservative in the Deep South.

Draft Haley Barbour for Vice President, an Atlanta-based committee, believes Governor Haley Barbour (R-Miss.) is that southern conservative and they are seeking to gather 50,000 signatures to convince the republican nominee of the same thing.

As part of their grassroots campaign, the committee will begin airing television ads on Sunday in Phoenix, Az. and Jackson, Miss.-the home cities of Senator John McCain and Governor Haley Barbour, respectively.

“Senator McCain’s chances at victory in November will be enhanced by picking a running mate that will unite the Republican ticket,” said Joshua W. Jones, Chairman of the Draft Haley for Vice President committee. “Governor Barbour’s vision and his ability to lead give conservatives a voice on the ticket.”

The ad, which is also available on the committee’s Web site at, begins with a composite of GOP icons Presidents Lincoln, Roosevelt and Reagan, asking the question, “Remember when Republicans stood for something? Extolled conservative values and meant it? When Republicans fought for a government that spent less but did things better? Haley Barbour does.” The ad then focuses on Governor Barbour’s role in making Republicans the majority in Congress in 1994 when he was the Republican National Committee Chairman, and his success as governor in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Since Super Tuesday, has received more than 60,000 hits. The committee believes the growing momentum surrounding their campaign can be credited to Governor Barbour’s proven economic leadership.

“On Super Tuesday, exit polls revealed that voters in both parties believe the economy is the most important issue facing our country,” said Jones. “In a time of economic concern, voters are looking for someone they can depend on to ensure economic prosperity, someone like Governor Barbour.”

Since assuming office, Governor Barbour has been credited with puling Mississippi out of a $720 million budget deficit, decreasing Medicaid rolls to less than 600,000 and creating more than 38,000 jobs-all without raising taxes.

“The response has been excellent and we believe this television ad will give help spread our message in key states. We are starting in Arizona and Mississippi, but, we are encouraging people to visit the Web site and to contribute so we can air the ads next week in Ohio and Texas, immediately before those two states hold their primaries,” said Jones.

To sign the petition or to learn more about the Draft Haley movement, visit

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.