Jim Hood on the Renfroe/Rigsby Document swap
The Rigsbys state that, as of early August, they no longer had the documents, and so can’t turn them back over to the Renfroe & Co., and their lawyer Scruggs now doesn’t have a set because he has given his set to Attorney General Hood (we will leave to one side the allegations in the lawsuit against the Nutt firm filed in December that SKG kept the documents and kept using them).
This is where Judge Acker goes ballistic.
Ultimately, he holds:
Scruggs did not want to turn the documents over to Renfroe because he did not want Renfroe to know what was in them, because he wanted to use the threat of the unknown– “we have these documents and you don’t know what we have and they prove massive fraud, so you better settle!”
Scruggs’s claim to be helping Hood is not credible because Hood already has a set of the documents.
Therefore, reasoned Judge Acker, Scruggs is in criminal contempt of court. The Scruggs response is that the exceptions in the injunction for disclosure to law enforcement and the fact that he wasn’t directly in the case mean he is not in contempt.