John Grisham & Judicial Elections
This morning on the Today show, Grisham told Matt Lauer, “Electing judges is a bad idea.” His solution? “You start with a nonpartisan commission, you screen the judges, you get good people, you get them appointed. If they serve a number of years, let them run maybe for an election with no private money involved in the election. Keep the private money out. But you’ve got to clean it up.”
Little did the Law Blog know about Grisham’s latest book back in December when we interviewed him about the judicial bribery charges against his fellow Mississippian and friend “Dickie” Scruggs. “My initial reaction was one of surprise,” he told us. “When you know Dickie and how successful he has been you could not believe he would be involved in such a boneheaded bribery scam that is not in the least bit sophisticated. I don’t believe it. I hope it’s all proven to be wrong.”
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