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FOLO – The Frisby Motions in...

FOLO – The Frisby Motions in Eaton Corp. v. Frisby, Part 1 of 3

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 30, 2008

The Frisby Motions in Eaton Corp. v. Frisby, Part 1 of 3

That’s what I thought, too. Serious followers of the Scruggs cases will notice something odd on Mike Allred’s letterhead on that agreement. And that is? The presence of lawyer William M. Quin, II, who last was heard of employed at Joey Langston’s lawfirm (and appeared as counsel for Dickie Scruggs in December), and who is credited with inventing the theory used for Langston’s claim against MCI. Small world?

Anyhow, this agreement, of course, brings to mind the consulting contracts used by Scruggs in the tobacco cases and with the Rigsby sisters. Recall the handwritten notebook page (attached to a State Farm motion) in which Scruggs-Katrina Group allies were discussing holding off paying consultant fees to witnesses until after they’d testified before the grand jury. But, according to the motion, the Eaton lawyers went one further, denying the existence of these agreements in discovery. Frisby found this out because the witness-”consultant” disclosed the agreement in his own lawsuit in North Carolina.

The case then spun into a giant brawl over what to do about the discovery problem from that non-disclosure. Judge DeLaughter decided to hire a special master, Jack Dunbar, to take evidence about the discovery dispute and make findings about what to do about it.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.