As a fellow journalist, I believe that the Clarion Ledger did what most of the paper’s in this state did: Take the easy way out. Refuse to accept the role laid out for us as the Fourth Estate by President Thomas Jefferson. Refuse to speak truth to power, stand as a watchdog over government, and challenge government to serve and represent all of its people. The press – newspapers – has abbrogated its role of objectivity and its ability to say what needs to be said for the best interest of all our people. And the Clarion Ledger has done it under the guise of allowing employees to speak their opinions in the form of blogs. But neither Sid Salter, Ronnie Agnew nor David Hampton can assume – or should be allowed to assume – the role of objective critical observer in the stead of your newspaper as a whole. The Clarion Ledger has the duty and responsibility to make the hard, tough choices. Not cop-out as you so eloquently did in your endorsement of Mr. Bryant. I will continue to trust your news coveage of the tough issues which affect our state. I will, henceforth, view your endorsements, regardless of the office or level of government, with a wary eye.
James Hull
p.s. Sid, I’m sure this is one letter we won’t see in your blog.
Sid Salter Blog
Clarion Ledger