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SCHIP: Children’s health a...

SCHIP: Children’s health a bipartisan concern

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 25, 2007

The Clarion-Ledger Editorial, 9/25/7

Gov. Haley Barbour and our congressional delegation – both parties – should present a united front on increasing the federal government’s share of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.

As state Rep. George Flaggs Jr., D-Vicksburg, told Gannett News Service, the Legislature gave what was requested. “They led us to believe that if we gave them that requested amount, they would be able to operate that agency without any discontinuation of any services,” said Flaggs, a member of the Budget, Public Health & Human Services and Medicaid committees. “I repeatedly asked them if they were sure, whether or not there were sufficient funds.”

Now, we are told the money will run out this week, when federal authorization for the SCHIP program expires.

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