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WILSON – Cory Wilson receives the...

WILSON – Cory Wilson receives the endorsement of Mississippi doctors

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 17, 2007

Cory Wilson receives the endorsement of Mississippi doctors!

“Without tort reform, there would be no Toyota.” — Gov. Haley Barbour

Cory Wilson has been endorsed by the Mississippi State Medical Association, which represents about 3500 physicians across Mississippi. One of the reasons is that the MSMA and Cory Wilson agree that tort reform–ending “jackpot justice” lawsuits against our medical and business communities–has been critical to both economic growth and our access to quality health care. Before tort reform, Mississippi was losing doctors, and losing access to health care. Businesses were passing us by for economic development. The tort reform passed under Governor Barbour’s leadership has re-opened Mississippi for business and allowed our doctors to provide health care to our citizens without fearing junk lawsuits and ever-escalating insurance premiums.

Instead of standing with our doctors and our business community, our current Representative sided with Speaker Billy McCoy and the trial lawyers to fight needed reforms until the bitter end. That was wrong. Cory Wilson opposed jackpot justice as a lawyer, and he will oppose any effort to roll back tort reform in the next Legislature.

Mississippi’s doctors have also thrown their support behind Cory Wilson because they know that we need new leadership in the House of Representatives. Cory Wilson will vote for a new Speaker of the House. His opponent will not. There’s the clear choice in this election, and Cory is very grateful to have help from Mississippi’s doctors in his effort to bring new leadership to the House.

Cory Wilson Campaign Release

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.