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Bryant personality hides resolve

Bryant personality hides resolve

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 22, 2007

Bryant personality hides resolve

Phil Bryant is a lot of things – a proud conservative, a father and husband, and a bona-fide community volunteer. He also is a natural campaigner. He meets and talks with people on a one-on-one basis with as much ease as any politician in the state.

Bryant, the 52-year-old state auditor, is putting all those political skills to the test as he campaigns for the open post of lieutenant governor. Bryant, a resident of the Republican stronghold of Rankin County, faces a fellow Rankin Countian, state Sen. Charlie Ross, in the Aug. 7 Republican primary.

“His personality is genuine,” said Rep. Mark Formby, R-Picayune, who was Bryant’s deskmate for the five years Bryant spent in the state House. “He likes to be around people.

“He is one of those guys who is comfortable at a country club banquet or at a deer camp breakfast camp fire. He knows people and enjoys people. He enjoys all types of people.”

NE Miss Daily Journal

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.