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Democrats poll 51% against Bush success

Democrats poll 51% against Bush success

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 12, 2006

Well, Bush’s approval ratings have hit a term-low at 33% according to an Opinion Dynamics/Fox News poll of 900 registered voters nationwide.

However, the amazing story in this is that when registered Democrats were asked, “Regardless of how you voted, do you want to see President Bush succeed or not”, an astounding 51% of self-identified Democrats said . . . NO!. Now that’s hate.

(Hat tip: Dean Barnett at Hugh Hewitt)

Of course, we have our own haters-in-residence here in Jacktown. The JFP did a widely discredited gotcha-poll with WAPT and Zata-3(principals of whom polled for Harvey Johnson) which readers online eviscerated faster than a Reuters photo. Thank goodness the Melton-haters in Jackson don’t number 51%. We’d be in a lot more trouble than we are. Anyhoo, it looks like there are no more anti-Melton polls on the drawing board (at least at this time).

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.