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Kofi Annan’s Smear Against Israel...

Kofi Annan’s Smear Against Israel Begins to UN-ravel

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 28, 2006

Michelle Malkin links to a New York Sun article:

An apparent discrepancy in the portrayal of events surrounding the deaths of four unarmed U.N. observers in Lebanon threatens to unravel Secretary-General Annan’s initial accusation that Israel “deliberately” targeted the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon.

A Canadian U.N. observer, one of four killed at a UNIFIL position near the southern Lebanese town of Khiyam on Tuesday, sent an e-mail to his former commander, a Canadian retired major-general, Lewis MacKenzie, in which he wrote that Hezbollah fighters were “all over” the U.N. position, Mr. MacKenzie said. Hezbollah troops, not the United Nations, were Israel’s target, the deceased observer wrote.

There’s much more. Be sure and check out the photo of the side-by-side flags of the UN and Hizb’Allah at the UNIFIL outpost.

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Magnolia Tribune

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July 28, 2006

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