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Traitors Among Us: The Mainstream Media

Traitors Among Us: The Mainstream Media

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 24, 2006

Powerline describes the Mary McCarthy Leak:

So we have a Democratic Party activist violating federal law by leaking classified information to an antiwar activist on the payroll of the Washington Post, which publishes the criminal leak and is awarded a prize by the left-wing Pulitzer committee.

…while LGF points out that the MSM are warming up to make sure Iran gets the bomb. Quoting Greg Mitchell, editor of trade magazine Editor & Publisher:

To those who would say that this inflates the power or even role of the press in America today, I would reply: You don’t expect the Democrats to keep us out of war, do you? Just as they would not stand up to the president on Iraq for fear of appearing “weak on terror,” they would likely be wary of appearing “weak on the Tehran Bomb.” …

The media, usually only a middle-reliever or in a mop-up role on this playing field, might have to pitch with the game on the line.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.