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Magnolia Tribune
May 14, 2019
MCPP: Expanding telemedicine in Mississippi
T1 Telehealth is a Mississippi company that provides innovative telemedicine services, but has been limited in the healthcare it can deliver because of government regulations that hampered competition. By: Mississippi Center for Public Policy The Mississippi Justice Institute has been representing T1 Telehealth in its efforts to challenge these regulations. On May 9, 2019, after…
Magnolia Tribune
May 8, 2019
SALTER: As state’s second largest single employer, shipyard’s future still vital to state’s economy
By: Sid Salter Only Walmart/Sam’s employs more people in Mississippi than does Ingalls Shipyards at about 12,500 employees. But Ingalls and other shipbuilders pay significantly better than Walmart. Since December of 2018, Ingalls has been awarded the following major shipbuilding contracts from the U.S. Navy: $931 million for construction of two new U.S. Coast Guard…
Sarah Ulmer
May 7, 2019
The Mississippi Insurance Department asks: ‘What’s in Your Go Bag?’
Most people don’t prepare for disasters until it’s too late. The Mississippi Insurance Department is urging individuals and families to pack a bag with post-disaster essentials. This is especially important as the 2019 Atlantic hurricane season starts in less than one month. Additionally, May 6-10, 2019 is Hurricane Preparedness Week in Mississippi. Go Bag contents…
Sarah Ulmer
May 6, 2019
Mississippi recognized by Amazon as having fastest growing small businesses
Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) today announced the 10 states with the fastest-growing small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) selling in Amazon’s stores. The report examined year-over-year sales growth of businesses selling in Amazon’s stores across all 50 states and found that SMBs in Mississippi are growing the fastest, with businesses in Nebraska, Maine, Texas, and Indiana rounding out…
Magnolia Tribune
May 6, 2019
Department of Justice opens investigation into failed carbon-capture plant
By: Megan Geuss, ARS Technica An article earlier this week reported that the Department of Justice (DOJ) notified Southern Company that it is opening an investigation “related to the Kemper County energy facility,” according to Southern’s most recent financial statement (PDF). The Mississippi-based facility had received $387 million in federal grants to build a state-of-the-art…
Magnolia Tribune
May 2, 2019
Alabama Democrat state representative doubles down on abortion remarks – ‘Dead is dead’
By: Kyle Morris, Yellow Hammer contribution After State Rep. John Rogers’ (D-Birmingham) abortion comments widely circulated across social media platforms Wednesday, politicians and several prominent members of the media quickly denounced the comments that he later doubled down on. Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-Fairhope), a 2020 candidate for the United States Senate, called Rogers’ comments “disgusting.”…
Magnolia Tribune
May 1, 2019
SALTER: Self-checkout line at grocery and big box stores put traditional cashiers’ jobs in jeopardy
By: Sid Salter There were some justifiable fears in the late 1950s and early 1960s – threats like polio, global thermonuclear war, or the President appearing on TV to talk about anything. If he did, you could forget about TV for the night on either of the channels that were available to us (if the…
Sarah Ulmer
April 24, 2019
SALTER: Paying for public health care remains federal, state governments’ most vexing challenge
By: Sid Salter I often wrote over the course of 35 years about public health care finance with a level of personal engagement that reminds me today much of a walk through a really fine zoo. The exhibits were intriguing, yes, but I could certainly lose interest quickly and move on to another topic. I’m…
Sarah Ulmer
April 17, 2019
SALTER: Education, healthcare, roads and taxes, as usual, will dominate 2019 elections
By: Sid Salter My active observations of Mississippi statewide elections stretch back to the 1970s and what remains fascinating to me is how little the issues have changed since those days. When flamboyant Democrat Cliff Finch and moderate Republican Gil Carmichael squared off in 1975, Finch used a black lunch box to symbolize his slogan…
Sarah Ulmer
April 17, 2019
Workforce development gaining traction among business leaders and lawmakers
When it comes to workforce development, the state of Mississippi is utilizing multiple resources in order to create a more transparent and coordinated program for individuals who want to enter the workforce. Just this year, two workforce development summits have been hosted by top Mississippi officials. In January, Governor Phil Bryant hosted over 600 businesses…
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Sarah Ulmer
April 10, 2019
SALTER: Immigration: “Country’s full” but U.S. farm, construction labor shortages persist
By: Sid Salter During a briefing on immigration and border security in Calexico, Calif., last week, President Donald Trump held fast to his steady contention that the U.S. immigration system was overburdened as he continued to push for a Southern border wall and tighter security to combat illegal border crossings. “There is indeed an emergency…
Sarah Ulmer
April 9, 2019
Mississippi Goes Purple for Crime Victims’ Rights Week
Marsy’s Law for MS is working to bring more attention to the rights of crime victims The Office for Victims of Crime, an agency within the Department of Justice, has declared April 7-13 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW). This year NCVRW celebrates the progress made by those before us as we look to a…
Daniel Tyson
March 6, 2025
House rolls the dice again on mobile sports betting, amending two Senate bills
Frank Corder
March 6, 2025
SBA to require citizenship verification, will relocate offices “out of sanctuary cities”
Daniel Tyson
March 6, 2025
Senate reduces indigent counsel fee increases proposed by House
Frank Corder
March 4, 2025
Fabricators Supply expanding in West Point, adding 15 jobs
Frank Corder
March 3, 2025
ABB doubling size of its Senatobia facility with $40 million investment
Lynne Jeter
March 2, 2025
SBA rolls out new loan program
Ben Smith
March 6, 2025
How knot to lose your next fish
C.H. Spurgeon
March 6, 2025
Reflecting on light
Jim Beaugez
March 5, 2025
Mississippi Blues artist Brian Ballou makes his mark
Sid Salter
March 5, 2025
Bird flu a dire concern to Mississippi’s almost $4 billion top agricultural commodity
James McHale
March 4, 2025
Maximizing Mississippi’s higher ed ROI requires better data and inclusive financial aid
Charlie Bufalino
February 28, 2025
Charter schools in Mississippi are working: Let’s give more families the opportunity
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