Y’all Politics brings you a Bill of the Day from the Mississippi Legislature that just may pique your interest.
Would you or your company sponsor the repairs of a highway or bridge in your city if you got to name it?
State Representative Tom Miles (D) has filed HB 113 that would allow just that.
The bill states that the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) or a municipality may form a public-private partnership for the improvement of a highway, road, bridge or other asset in exchange for naming rights of the section being improved for which the private funding assistance was provided.
Miles’ bill would give MDOT the authority to adopt rules and regulations necessary for the department to utilize such public-private partnerships.
The bill was double referred in the House, which is a huge hurdle to clear. However, it has passed out of both the House Transportation and House Appropriations Committees and is waiting to be called up on the House floor for consideration.
You can read the full bill here.