Congressman Guest has reaffirmed his commitment to pro-life issues through a series of cosponsorships and pledges. Most notably, Congressman Guest joined over 200 Republicans in a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi defending the Hyde Amendment, a longstanding measure that prevents the use of taxpayer dollars from funding abortions.
“The Hyde Amendment has a bipartisan foundation that has stood the test of time. It has saved countless lives and has served as a strong indicator of our nation’s moral compass for over four decades. It’s vital we fight to save it.”
Congressman Guest already cosponsored numerous pro-life bills slated to be reintroduced in the 117th Congress that were previously introduced in the 116th Congress, including:
- Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would require healthcare providers to exercise the same degree of care for a child born during a failed abortion that they would exercise for a child born under normal circumstances.
- Defund Planned Parenthood Act would block federal dollars from funding Planned Parenthood.
- Life at Conception Act would establish the right to life for all individuals beginning at the point of conception.
- Protecting Life in Crisis Act would prohibit the use of funds allocated for COVID-19 response from being used to perform abortions.
Congressman Guest is also a member of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, a bipartisan organization of House Members that works with pro-life grassroots organizations to promote life-affirming policies and to defend against pro-abortion policies.
Congressman Michael Guest represents Mississippi’s Third Congressional District. He serves on the House Committee on Homeland Security and the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Before beginning his first term in Congress, Congressman Guest served as the district attorney for Madison and Rankin Counties.
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Release from Congressman Michael Guest.