Congressman Steven Palazzo (MS-4) was awarded the United States Chamber of Commerce’s Spirit of Enterprise Award today during a virtual meeting with the Mississippi Gulf Coast Chamber of Commerce. The award recognizes members of Congress who consistently supported pro-growth policies and committed to bipartisan leadership and constructive governing in 2019.
As noted by the Chamber of Commerce, Palazzo has the highest annual score and highest bipartisanship score amongst house members in the Mississippi delegation.
“As a former small business owner, I believe in the power of small businesses in America and will continue backing policies that support economic growth for Mississippi’s businesses,” Palazzo said. “I appreciate the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for honoring my work with this award and the Mississippi Gulf Coast Chamber of Commerce for all they do in south Mississippi.”
The legislation used to score each member are as follows:
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)
H.R. 1158 – 2020 Appropriations Bill
H.R. 1865 – 2020 Appropriations Bill
Lower Drug Costs Now Act
FY 2020 NDAA
Diversity Act
TRIA Reauthorization
Raise the Wage Act
Cadillac Tax Repeal
Expanding Investment in Small Businesses Act
Border Supplemental Appropriations
Financial Services and General Government Appropriations
Save the Internet Act
For the People Act
Contracting Opportunities for Small Business
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business organization representing companies of all sizes across every sector of the economy.
Release from the Office of Congressman Steven Palazzo.