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What Does It Take To Be a Great College...

What Does It Take To Be a Great College Football Coach?

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 24, 2010

What Does It Take To Be a Great College Football Coach?

2. Drive – Coaches, like Paul Bryant and Nick Saban, may not have as much in common as people think, but they have the same drive. They both ate, slept and worked at becoming better 365 days a year.

Coaches like that drive themselves harder than they do their players or even their assistants. They set the standard for work ethic and dare everyone around them to just try and keep up.

Tommy Tuberville was a good example at Auburn. He was as good an X and O coach as many, but simply did not have the drive that other coaches have to work and recruit as hard as they did. It eventually caught up to him.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.