Mississippi’s congressmen, senators, businessmen, and elected office candidates are taking to social media to react to the Judge Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings on Thursday.
Here’s what they have to say:
If Kavanaugh is confirmed, people will credit this speech by Lindsey Graham https://t.co/LDFulIAhRD via @YouTube
— Austin Barbour (@Austin_Barbour) September 27, 2018
Blumenthal has ZERO credibility. https://t.co/5mTr2wsKAd
— Senator Josh Harkins (@SenatorHarkins) September 28, 2018
My friend @LindseyGrahamSC brought the truth with him today. https://t.co/4QUrnn66HS
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) September 27, 2018
“Last minute character assassination” and “no further delay” in confirmation aren’t the type of comments made by a person who has an open mind to hearing what these women have to say. #BelieveSurivors https://t.co/VOD4uduXVU
— David Baria (@dbaria) September 27, 2018
It seems opponents of Judge Kavanaugh are engaged in character assassination to destroy the reputation of a devoted public servant and a loving husband and father. I, for one, will not stand by and watch it happen. Video link here: https://t.co/VAhEUzkFRE pic.twitter.com/A4sSWyYkGf
— U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (@SenHydeSmith) September 26, 2018
Strong floor speech from @SenHydeSmith on Judge Brett Kavanaugh and @SenateDems last-minute character assassination attempts. There should be no further delay in considering this highly-qualified nominee. https://t.co/2iIfJSvEUu
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) September 26, 2018
Senator Graham rose to the occasion today. A defining moment in American politics. https://t.co/trc3CAskKN #FoxNews
— Mark Baker (@MarkBakerForAG) September 28, 2018
Same. https://t.co/Ahx99eHE2F
— Cong. Steven Palazzo (@CongPalazzo) September 27, 2018
I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. #BelieveSurivors #KavanaughHearings pic.twitter.com/gJkVcmxPWK
— Bennie G. Thompson (@BennieGThompson) September 27, 2018
September 27, 2018: That day Democrats found out that what they thought was a dead river otter for their trophy pile was actually a live wolverine ready for combat. Bullies are always surprised when their victims fight back. They hate it when that happens. #ConfirmKavanaughNow
— Andy Taggart (@Andy_Taggart) September 28, 2018