Infraction Fines Far Too Low to Work….college football
Last week, the NCAA’s Committee on Infractions brought the “hammer” down on Alabama. They vacated wins, turned a lampshade askew in the football offices, fined the University for the improprieties related to the textbook scandal, and turned the windshield wipers on Nick Saban’s Mercedes so they pointed towards the sky. Up instead of down! Oh, snap. The NCAA got straight crazy up in the joint. Oh, and the fine the multi-billion dollar NCAA levied? Try $43,900. That’s less than it costs a parent to send his or her kid to Vanderbilt.
I’m sure Alabama is trembling deep beneath the brim of their houndstooth hats. Especially given that Alabama had a total athletic department revenue of $88.9 million in 2007-2008. What’s the NCAA penalty for major infractions represent within the context of Alabama’s overall budget? Try .0004938 of the overall total.