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STAPLES offers a “hitchhiker’s guide” to Mississippi political blogs

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 23, 2014

REBEKAH STAPLES: Surfin’ the Net: A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the (Miss.) Galaxy

Ever find yourself browsing the internet for updates on Mississippi trends but don’t know where to go?

Don’t panic. Here’s a list of some of the sites I visit to keep up with politics, policy, gossip, and just good old fashioned news. (Try as I might, I couldn’t come up with 42 websites, for those of you paying attention.)

Let’s start with what is probably the most popular political website in the state, if paid political ads are the measure: Y’all Politics ( YP has multiple contributors and includes political videos, original content, summary of breaking news, and a nice collection of blogs in the state. Its content is divided by category (“2014 MS Election” or “Senate 2014”). For the political newcomer, YP is a must-visit site.

Rebekah Staples

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.