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@PracticalPols – Chris McDaniel...

@PracticalPols – Chris McDaniel Campaign Violated FEC Campaign Finance Laws #mssen

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 6, 2014

McDaniel Campaign Violated FEC Campaign Finance Laws

The daily averages of the net unitemized contributions were assigned equally to each day in the reporting period, and daily cash-on-hand was then calculated using all itemized contributions on the date of receipt plus the unitemized allocation less disbursements, added to the previous day’s ending cash-on-hand.

As an exercise, giving the McDaniel campaign every benefit of the doubt, an additional analysis was done for the period of May 21 through June 3; assuming that the entirety of the unitemized contributions for that two-week period was received on May 21. This did eliminate the violations of May 21 through May 29th, though it simply delayed them until May 30th through June 3rd

The simple fact is, not enough money came in to offset what went out while maintaining a cash balance greater than the general election designated contributions, as mandated by the Federal Election Commission.

Practical Politicking

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.