McDaniel: GOP should be ‘purged’ after Senate race
“It goes to show that there are elements within our own party that have to be purged,” McDaniel said Friday. “There are elements within our own party that have no business being Republicans. Republicans should not behave in that fashion.”
The Cochran campaign has said many times in the past several weeks it sought to increase turnout from a wide range of voters, including black voters, after Cochran finished behind McDaniel in the June 3 primary.
“Sen. Cochran received tremendous support from the African-American community in Mississippi because of a 40-year relationship built on respect and fairness,” Cochran campaign spokesman Jordan Russell said Friday in response to McDaniel’s radio interview.
“If Chris McDaniel had asked African-Americans to vote for him rather than complaining about them participating in the process, he might have won the election,” Russell said.