Today, long time Democratic operatives Chism Strategies, who at one point in the Mississippi Senate race proclaimed neutrality in polling, released a new post-election poll to try to capture the “rage” of McDaniel voters to see how jilted they were. The results are as likely as irrelevant as the methodology.
Here’s the link to the poll.
Though the Tea Party crowd will likely get fish-hooked on the poll spreading it throughout the hinterlands of Twitter, remember this. Chism’s business from Childers is likely affected by a factor of 5-10x if McDaniel were to win or this race were to get even remotely competitive. With McDaniel out, national Democratic money will likely not flow to Mississippi to support Childers, which is money out of the pockets of the moneyed Democrat elite consultants and hangers-on. According to nationally renowned pollsters Rasmussen, even after a bloodletting primary, Cochran is still way ahead of Childers likely because Mississippians remember Childers’ alliance with Nancy Pelosi before he was knocked out of his office by 15 points in 2010.
Just in case you don’t have plans on Monday, Chism Strategies is throwing a swanky fundraiser at the River Hills Club in Jackson for Childers.