If anything, the parents’ revolt is a welcome development, as there is no accountability whatsoever at JPS. The school board members are appointed. The Superintendent is appointed. They are insulated from public pressure or accountability. All the school board members have to do is keep one man happy every four years. Period. The schools are pitiful, the district doesn’t not even know where the money is, the state is looking at revoking accreditation, and the best the district can do is offer two candidates who are not qualified for the job. Better yet, the district rejected Jim Barksdale’s money to hire a top superintendent. Guess they don’t want to take the rich white businessman’s money. Can’t be seen kissing up to him although I bet they would take it from some well-connected black contractors, as long as they got the contracts. Anyone think they wouldn’t accept such an offer from Garrett or Calhoun? This is a school board that spends more time writing letters to the newspaper about charter schools than it does about who the Superintendent will be. As I wrote earlier about these parents: It’s about damn time.
By all means let these parents raise hell. It’s about time someone got it. They might not know the report cards, audits, and graduation rates as readers of this blog do but damn it, they know something is not right and are tired of being played by the Jackson School Board. If things in Jackson are to truly turn around, the first steps will have to be taken by parents such as these. “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore” has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
Jackson Jambalaya