As I’ve told thousands in Kings of Tort presentations around the country, “Just wait. These guys will not give up.” Today, I got proven right again.
Dickie Scruggs has filed a motion similar to his son on similar grounds to set aside his guilty plea (actually, two of his guilty pleas, I guess).
This has fantastically interesting implications for potential witnesses like Trent Lott, Joey Langston, PL Blake, Ed Peters, and Bobby DeLaugher. It is also horrendous timing for (1) Zach Scruggs, who has his own motion in front of Judge Biggers and (2) Jim Hood, who I think politically hoped Dickie Scruggs sat quietly in jail. This isn’t a good thing for Hood to have to rehash his inactions toward Scruggs in an active election year.
Take a look for yourself. More soon.