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Rep. Percy Watson endorses Johnny...

Rep. Percy Watson endorses Johnny Dupree

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 21, 2011

Let me get to the point: I’m endorsing Johnny DuPree for Governor.

I have had the great honor of knowing Johnny for most of my life. I have worked side-by-side with him on numerous projects, watched him succeed in business and in public service, and I have witnessed firsthand his integrity and character.

Johnny DuPree is a leader. He understands that real vision does not come from one person but from many diverse people coming together to tackle tough problems. And, Johnny knows how to bring people from diverse backgrounds together to work for a common cause.

Johnny DuPree also has experience. He has experience creating jobs. He has experience leading people through the aftermath of tragedies like Katrina. And, he has experience navigating through difficult economic times to improve the quality of life for Mississippians. Johnny has never raised taxes. Johnny has never cut services. And, Johnny has helped create thousands of jobs, even during the recession.

Mississippi needs an experienced, respected, proven leader — now more than ever. Johnny DuPree is that leader.

I hope you will join with me in supporting Johnny DuPree. As Johnny says, Together, We Can Make Mississippi First.


Rep. Percy W. Watson
House Ways and Means Chairman

Johnny Dupree Campaign Release

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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