“The Hanging of Big Todd Wade” was written and is being directed by Micah Ginn as a hometown offering to premiere at the Oxford Film Festival on Feb. 10, with a free screening for the community a week later.
“The purpose of this short comedy was to bring a lot of folks together in Lafayette County, Oxford – even north Mississippi, for that matter – to make a film to premiere at the Festival that we can all be a part of,” Ginn said. “A lot of films come from far off, and that’s fantastic, too, but this is a chance to try to combine a lot of talents and put something on the screen that was homegrown.”
Oxonians Sam Haskell and Zach Scruggs are the film’s producers.
Another heavily involved local is Lynn Wells, who plays Wade’s hysterical mother. She also allowed her barn to be converted to a sound stage for courtroom and jail scenes and furnished a hillside for the gallows scenes.
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