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Alan Nunnelee in MS-01 to seniors: I...

Alan Nunnelee in MS-01 to seniors: I will protect Social Security and repeal ObamaCare

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 8, 2010

Nunnelee to seniors: I will protect Social Security and repeal ObamaCare

Will sign pledges on both, ask Childers to reconsider his opposition to repealing Medicare-cutting healthcare bill

TUPELO, MS – At his campaign headquarters this morning, State Sen. Alan Nunnelee will sign a pledge to protect Social Security by stating his opposition to privatizing the program, raising the retirement age, cutting benefits or raising taxes. Nunnelee says we could make Social Security solvent for the long-term by cutting wasteful spending and growing the economy.

The pledge reads, “I, Alan Nunnelee, pledge to never support privatizing Social Security, raising the retirement age, cutting benefits or raising taxes. I will also never support any bill that raids from Social Security to pay for something else. Social Security is a sacred promise that we made to our seniors, and I intend to keep it. I will work with members of both parties to protect Social Security by cutting wasteful spending and creating jobs so that our economy can grow – making the program solvent for generations.”

Nunnelee has previously signed another pledge important to seniors – to repeal ObamaCare, which cuts Medicare by $500 billion, and replace it with real reforms that lower healthcare costs without growing government.

The Republican nominee will call on Rep. Travis Childers today to reconsider his opposition to repeal and to sign one of the discharge petitions that would bring a vote on ObamaCare repeal to the House floor.

Alan Nunnelee Press Release

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.