McGlowan reports slim coffers in GOP primary
Angela McGlowan’s campaign for the Republican U.S. House nomination is running on financial fumes with less than a week until the June 1 primary, federal election reports show.
McGlowan of Oxford, a former Fox News commentator, reports $1,382 cash on hand as of May 20, the reporting deadline.
That compares with opponents Alan Nunnelee, a state senator from Tupelo who has $153,958, and Henry Ross, a former Eupora mayor, with $62,106.
Regardless of how much a candidate receives in campaign donations, it’s cash on hand that determines what resources each has in the final days.
The winner of the GOP primary will face incumbent U.S. Rep. Travis Childers, D-Booneville, on the Nov. 2 general election ballot with seven independent and non-mainstream party nominees.
Read more: – Campaign McGlowan reports slim coffers in GOP primary
Daily Journal