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Bryant to unveil blueprint for...

Bryant to unveil blueprint for government reorganization today

By: Magnolia Tribune - November 30, 2009

Bryant to unveil blueprint for government reorganization today

Bryant and his colleagues on the commission have said their final report will focus on what Bryant says is a “three-legged stool” approach to reforms that centers on strategic planning, performance-based budgeting and the creation of a performance review agency from existing legislative resources.

Mississippi has tried – and for the most part failed – to make substantive reorganizations of state government in the past.

In the late 1920s and early 1930s, then-Gov. Theodore G. Bilbo left his successor, Gov. Mike Conner, a state government with a $13 million deficit, only $1,326.57 in the state treasury and the state universities were unaccredited.

Conner’s administration launched the first of what has become at least 10 different studies of the efficiency and effectiveness of state government, each recommending substantive state government reorganization. The first was the 1932 Brookings Institution report authorized by the Mississippi Research Commission.

Nov. 30, 2009

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.