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The Hill – Voting Rights Group targets Childers

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 14, 2009

The Hill – Voting Rights Group targets Childers

A Washington D.C. voting rights group launched an ad campaign directed at Blue Dog Democrat Rep. Travis Childers (D-Miss.) on Friday.

Childers is a supporter of a gun amendment that would loosen D.C.’s gun registration laws, which, after passing the Senate, has stalled a bill in the House that would grant the District a representational vote in Congress.

“Representative Childers has gone too far in his attempts to write DC gun laws,” said Ilir Zherka, DC Vote executive director. “We think his constituents need to know how he is spending his time. His constituents elected him to act as their voice in Congress. But what he, and other pro-gun politicians are doing, is expending their energy to write DC’s laws. We’re going to states like Mississippi to tell constituents that their member of Congress is standing in the way of DC’s right to democracy.”

The ad campaign is planning to place ads in local Mississippi media outlets, and is expected to do the same in Neveda, where Sen. John Ensign (R), the sponsor of the Senate’s gun amendment, is from.

The Hill

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