Senators, Childers voice opposition to ‘card check’ bill
President Obama and large majorities of Democrats in both the House and Senate support the proposed change, but vote-counters say only a handful of Republicans, or fewer, can be expected to support it in both chambers.
Spokesmen for Childers, Wicker and Cochran all confirmed their opposition Tuesday in separate responses to a Daily Journal inquiry.
“I plan to vote against the current card check bill,” Childers said in a statement.
“In these uncertain times, I’m very concerned that a wide range of small business leaders believe this will hurt job creation and economic development efforts in our region. There may be parts of the country where this measure will not have the same impact it will have here in north Mississippi, but my job is to put the 1st Congressional District first.”
Robert Shaffer, president of the Mississippi AFL-CIO, said in a telephone interview, “He (Childers) told me a lot of the people in his district were opposed to it.”
Shaffer said the Mississippi AFL-CIO supported Childers in the 2008 general election. “How he votes (on card check) won’t make any difference,” said Shaffer, who called Childers “a good fellow.”
NE MS Daily Journal