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DJ – MS-01 Special Election...

DJ – MS-01 Special Election Q&A

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 14, 2008

Special election Q&A

How would you describe your political philosophy?

CHILDERS: I’m a Mississippi Democrat. I’m on the side of struggling families, children that need health care and teenagers whose only hopes are a college degree. I’m pro-life and pro-gun and for balanced budgets. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Illegal immigration has to stop. I will not negotiate away my core principles in Washington. We do not have to change our core values to change direction in America, but if we do not change the direction of our country, our core values will be compromised. I will work across partisan and philosophical lines to get the job done.

DAVIS: I am a Conservative Republican. I believe we need a representative that not only talks the talk, but will, and has, walked the walk. We need a government that is fiscally responsible, stands up for our values and helps rather than hurts our families and businesses. I have fought for conservative principles my entire career and have no intention of stopping now. I am the only candidate who has authored and sponsored pro-life and anti-abortion legislation and I will continue to do so in Congress. I believe the 1st Congressional District seat belongs to all the residents of our district and not just one geographical location.

PANG: I’m a conservative, always was one and always will be one. I believe in a balanced budget and spending all tax dollars intelligently. I consider myself as an independent. I’m a member of Calvary Baptist Church of Batesville. I believe in the right to life and I support the right to bear arms.

WAGES: I believe that Government belongs to the People and must be accountable on a daily basis. As a result, the People will know that their participation makes a difference – their phone calls, letters, e-mails, and petitions are heard. I believe in Government that acts on behalf of the People to prevent the excesses of Big Business. I believe in government that facilitates local solutions. I do not believe that Government has any right or need to listen in to our phone calls, to control our private lives, to torture, or to censor the media.

NE MS Daily Journal

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.