Landrum: A few words from Republican National Committeeman Henry Barbour
Like Pete – I am a “foot soldier” of the GOP and feel compelled to defend my friend and fellow GOP activist. I don’t always agree with Pete, but I know Republicans can always count on him to work with great passion for his Party and our candidates, and I greatly respect that. Therefore, I feel duty-bound to question Mr. Landrum’s hypocritical and arrogant accusations. If he had just come clean and not tried to spin why he had not voted or given money to Musgrove, this would have been a one-day story. I have heard a famous Mississippi political operative say more than a few times when you’ve got bad news – get it out fast. Mr. Landrum has taken a different approach and now has gotten to the point of desperation that he is attacking the “foot soldiers” of the Party in an effort to move the focus off of him. I hate to tell him, but he’s just making us activists angry with his actions. Therefore, I am still neutral in this race, but I urge you to share this with Republican voters in the 3rd CD and ask them to support one of the good candidates.
I am hopeful that Mr. Landrum will not make the run-off; however, I understand he has spent over $400,000 of his own money in this race. If he makes the run-off, I would not be surprised to see him effectively try to purchase our nomination. I hope y’all will join me in working to make sure that does not happen, but hopefully he will finish with only a handful of votes on Tuesday and not make the run-off.
Some of you may not know me, so here’s a little political background on me…I have been involved in Republican politics essentially all of my life. I grew up doing grassroots work in Yazoo City because my father always needed more volunteers in local races. I learned a lot about elections and people. I worked as a field rep in George Bush’s race in 1988 and then moved to DC to work in his administration and then finished my time in Washington working under Haley at the RNC. I came home to Yazoo City and ran Chip Pickering’s first race for Congress in 1995-96 – then ran his “big race” against Ronnie Shows in 2002. I also ran Haley’s race for Governor in 2003. After Mike Retzer stepped down as Republican National Committeeman from Mississippi, I ran for that post, won it and still hold it.
Sid Salter Blog
Clarion Ledger