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ROSS – Right to Life Endorses...

ROSS – Right to Life Endorses Ross

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 12, 2007

Ross Endorsed by Mississippi Right to Life

Sen. Charlie Ross on Thursday received a major endorsement in his bid for Lt. Governor from Mississippi Right to Life, one of Mississippi’s most prominent pro-life organizations.

“Receiving the endorsement from a group as dedicated and influential as Mississippi Right to Life is truly an humbling honor,” conservative candidate Charlie Ross said. “This group of men and women work tirelessly for a noble cause-the sanctity of human life, and I am proud to have served with them in their movement.”

“Government’s primary responsibility is to protect its citizens,” Ross added. “And protecting our unborn should be one of the state’s most fundamental duties. As Lt. Governor, I will be proud to fight alongside Mississippi Right to Life in their pro-life movement.”

During Thursday’s endorsement announcement, Barbara Whitehead, Chair of the Mississippi Right to Life PAC, praised Ross for his leadership in the pro-life movement.

“Charlie has been a committed and dedicated pro-life leader for a decade in the Mississippi State Senate, and we need him to carry on his pro-life work as Lt. Governor,” Whitehead stated.

The criteria for the endorsement include: past voting records, candidate questionnaires, the candidate’s public statements, phone and in-person screenings, past involvement in the pro-life movement and the candidate’s willingness to work with the pro-life movement in the future.

“With this set of criteria,” Whitehead added, “the choice for us was clear: we need Charlie Ross for Lt. Governor.”

Charlie Ross Press Release

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.