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Congressman Palazzo Returns from...

Congressman Palazzo Returns from Kosovo, visits Mississippi National Guardsmen

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 8, 2018

Congressman Steven Palazzo (MS-4) released the following statement after returning from a Congressional trip to Kosovo.

“I appreciate the opportunity to visit with the Prime Minister and the American troops who are defending the safety and security of Kosovo’s progressive political process,” Palazzo said. “Following Kosovo’s declaration of independence from Serbia ten years ago, threats to their democracy have continued to necessitate careful oversight and a credible military presence.”

“Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj and other officials were all very welcoming and thankful for the United States’ continued support. While meeting with the country’s elected officials, I was pleased to hear about their economic prosperity and discuss the US-Kosovo relationship as well as ongoing cooperation in the region.

“Being a member of the Mississippi National Guard myself, it was also essential that I visit with the 1st Batallion, 185th Aviation Regiment and other National Guardsmen from across the United States that are currently stationed in Kosovo.”

During the trip, Congressman Palazzo was able to hold a town hall meeting with members of the Mississippi National Guard. Before visiting with the Prime Minister, Congressman Palazzo also met with Foreign Minister, Behgjet Pacolli; Deputy Prime Minister Enver Hoxhaj; USAID AGRO program Deputy Chief of Party, Fatmir Selimi; the President’s political advisor, Ardian Arifaj; and the Minister of Internal Affairs, Flamur Sefaj. He also toured the Army base Camp Bondsteel.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.