WJTV – Reeves predicts all 8 statewide Republican candidates will win in MSGOP victory kickoff
MSGOP hosts Victory Rally
Thank you to everybody who joined us today at our Victory Kickoff! We have a strong slate of conservatives, and we’re ready to win big in November! #LeadRight pic.twitter.com/exmj2JioZs
— Mississippi GOP (@MSGOP) September 9, 2019
WJTV – Reeves suggest federal takeover of Mississippi’s mental health system isn’t an issue
Hood says Reeves’ head buried in sand
Once again Tate Reeves has his head buried in the sand. As governor, I will not rest until we provide mental health services that meet the needs of everyone who continues to suffer. To do less for the people who need it most is a travesty. #MSgov https://t.co/SUoRrm2bh2
— Jim Hood (@HoodForGovernor) September 10, 2019
WTOK – Lt. Governor candidates visits Meridian
Delbert Hosemann speaks in Meridian. Click here to watch the video.
WXXV – Lt. Governor debate to air on WXXV NBC
** NOTE from YP on this story: Quick is not the Democrat nominee for Lt. Governor – Jay Hughes is the Democrat nominee facing Republican Delbert Hosemann. **
Democrat Ag Commissioner candidate Cole wants to eliminate sales tax on Mississippi produced food
My first act as your Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce will be to call upon the Legislature to eliminate the 7% sales tax on all Mississippi-produced food. #LocalFood pic.twitter.com/4s7zcKkQP5
— Rickey Cole (@RickeyCole) September 9, 2019
WTOK – 4-person race for Mississippi legislative seat down to 2
The changes are in Senate District 22, which stretches from poor parts of the rural Delta into mostly affluent suburbs outside Jackson.
Instead of four candidates, there will be two on the Nov. 5 general election ballot. Those remaining are Democrat Joseph Thomas and Republican Hayes Dent.
State election officials said Monday that Calvin J. Stewart withdrew. They said another independent candidate, Terrence V. Edison, Jr., failed to verify he had lived in the district the full two years before the general election.
WXXV – Senate District 50 race update
WTOK – Hood joins attorneys general in Google antitrust investigation
Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood is joining 49 other attorneys general as a lead state in a multi-state, bipartisan investigation of tech giant Google’s business practices.
The coalition announced plans to investigate Google’s control of online advertising markets and search traffic that may involve anti-competitive behavior, harming consumers.
Sen. Wicker on Strengthening America’s Workforce
I am working to ensure that our economy keeps on growing and that everyone who is able to contribute to our country’s economic progress does so. #WickerReport https://t.co/5AC89H8taf
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) September 9, 2019
WJTV – Congressman Bennie Thompson announces $591,181 to the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
United States Representative Bennie G. Thompson announces the Federal Emergency Management Agency awards $591,181 to the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality through the Rehabilitation of High Hazard Potential Dams program.
The HHPD funds will assist with planning and other pre-construction activities toward repair, removal, or structural/nonstructural rehabilitation of eligible high hazard potential dams.
WTVA – MDEQ awards almost $300,000 to help school districts buy new buses
The state has awarded more than $150,000 to help local school districts buy more environmentally-friendly school buses.
The new diesel-powered school buses have more advanced pollution controls compared to older models, according to the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, thus reducing emissions.
The state department’s Air Division provided the grants funded under the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act.
In total, the MDEQ awarded $296,992 to 12 school districts in the state.
WCBI – How tax assessors appraise properties in counties
WTOK – Former Wayne County justice court clerk arrested
A former justice court clerk in Wayne County has been arrested by the state auditor’s office on an indictment for embezzlement.
Christy James was indicted on the charge by a Wayne County grand jury.
A demand letter worth $51,531.80 was delivered to James at the time of her arrest. The demand amount includes investigative costs and all accrued interest.
State Auditor Shad White says James is accused of embezzling cash and money orders meant to pay fines levied by the Wayne County Justice Court. James is purported to have voided transactions in the court’s accounting software to conceal her crime. Investigators allege James stole nearly $40,000 from October 2017 to September 2018.
WAPT – Voter fraud charges dropped after Canton alderwoman agrees to resign
Vickie McNeill agreed to resign from the Canton Board of Aldermen and to never seek public office again in exchange for prosecutors dropping charges against her, according to court documents filed Monday in Madison County Circuit Court…
…McNeill and several others were charged in connection with the 2017 city election. McNeil, who at one time was the Canton police chief, faced four counts of voter fraud.
WLOX – Diamondhead POA president files assault charge against mayor
The president of Diamondhead’s Property Owners Association on Monday filed a simple assault charge against the city’s mayor, Tommy Schafer. It comes almost a week after a confrontation between the two following an official city/POA meeting known as the Community Collaborative. That meeting happened September 4 at the Diamondhead County Club.
Since then, rumors of a physical altercation have been swirling on social media and around Diamondhead. Monday, the rumors were verified when POA President Bob Marthouse filed the assault complaint in Municipal Court. The criminal affidavit alleges that Schafer pushed Marthouse, “knocking him down causing him to fall over chairs landing on the ground back first.”
Mayor Schafer’s attorney, Tim Holleman said, “We have not even seen the charge, but there’s no substance to it.”