Mississippi House Speaker Pro Tem Rep. Greg Snowden (HD 83) issued the following statement this morning:
The unofficial, though final, returns for the District 83 primary election reveal that I have been defeated, 52% to 48%. I have been informed of no reason why these returns should not be certified as official within the next few days. If so, we will have a new State Representative-Elect for District 83.
I say “we” because Mr. Calvert will represent all of us. He will have my support, and I wish him well. I congratulate him on a good, positive race and upon his victory at the polls.
I must thank the many family, countless friends and loyal supporters who have been in my corner not only in this election, but for these past years. It has been the highest honor of my life to serve as a State Representative. I know in the essence of my being that I have served you diligently and well, and I have few regrets. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for affording me this wonderful opportunity of public service.
The elections are not over. There are many candidates facing primary runoffs in a few weeks, and a potentially momentous general election for Mississippi in November. Please stay engaged. It should be evident that your vote matters. I have never forgotten that, and I urge you not to forget it either. Vote!
Finally, as a reminder, I am not going anywhere for awhile. I will continue to be your Representative until the conclusion of this term at the beginning of January. Should you have any questions about anything, or need any assistance, please continue to contact me as before, and I will do whatever I can to meet your needs.
Thank you again. God Bless Mississippi, and God Bless America!