YP – Reeves, Waller pickup endorsements
Gubernatorial hopeful @BillWallerMS endorsed by Dan Fordice, Vice-President of Fordice Construction Company and son of former Governor Kirk Fordice, in recent campaign ad #msleg #mselex READ MORE>> https://t.co/unAe9SUxM0
— Yall Politics (@MSyallpolitics) May 14, 2019
State Sen. Brice Wiggins on tariffs: Used to be GOP was against taxes. Where are you now? Et tu MSGOP?
Stock market down, small businesses suffering, workers being hurt. Last I checked, tariffs are taxes. Used to be @GOP was against taxes. Where are you now? Et tu @MSGOP? #hypocrisy The Cost of China Tariffs https://t.co/zSewPZk94z
— Sen. Brice Wiggins (@bricewigginsMS) May 14, 2019
State Rep. Angela Cockerham announces on Gallo that she filed for reelection as Independent
State Representative Angela Cockerham (HD 96) announced on the Paul Gallo Show on SuperTalk Wednesday morning that she has filed to seek reelection as an Independent rather than a Democrat.
Cockerham recently received an endorsement from the Realtors Association for her reelection bid.
The MS Assoc. of Realtors is proud to support @RepCockerham in her re-elex for House D-96(Adams, Amite, Pike, and Wilkinson). Pictured from left to right: Mrs. Tammy Strickland, Pres. of the SW MS Board of Realtors, @RepCockerham, & Mrs. Trish Fleming, Treasurer. pic.twitter.com/q0kaqxdpeg
— Angela Cockerham (@repcockerham) May 13, 2019
WTOK – Medicaid reform: Will GOP embrace expansion by another name?
Call it Medicaid reform, not Medicaid expansion. That’s part of the Mississippi Hospital Association’s latest effort to get Republicans to accept federal money and provide health insurance to now-uninsured adults.
The association Monday unveiled a plan it calls Mississippi Cares. The association says that by combining payments from beneficiaries and hospitals, Mississippi can avoid spending any of its own tax dollars to match federal money. Jobless beneficiaries would have to enroll in training or volunteer work…
…Association CEO Tim Moore says he proposed a similar plan to Gov. Phil Bryant last year. Moore says the association wants to spark conversation in 2019’s elections. But Republican gubernatorial front-runner Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves rejects any expansion.
Congressman Palazzo highlights passage of blue water veterans bill
PASSED ➡️ The Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act.
Many veterans who served in the Vietnam were exposed to “Agent Orange,” a harmful herbicide that can devastate an individual’s health. Our legislation provides access for blue water veterans to receive the care they deserve.
— Cong. Steven Palazzo (@CongPalazzo) May 14, 2019
YP – Realtors endorse Chaney for reelection
.@MSRealtors PAC Endorses Mike Chaney for re-election as Commissioner as State Fire Marshal @MSInsuranceDept #mselex https://t.co/0llaWyfONO pic.twitter.com/BfowOKtoEM
— Yall Politics (@MSyallpolitics) May 14, 2019
WLOX / WLBT – Proposed regulation change could expand telemedicine in Mississippi
Mississippi-based T1 Telehealth has been providing telemedicine in clinics and hospital but decided it wanted to offer its services in ERs.
“We wanted to do it in a way that we thought was a little bit less expensive, a little bit faster,” explained T1 Teleheath CEO Todd Barrett. “So, we put together technology to allow us to be able to do that. We were blocked by this regulatory burden. We had a difficult time navigating this labyrinth of regulations.”
They brought on the Mississippi Justice Institute to help navigate it. It’s a Board of Medical Licensure regulation that has prevented an expansion in this area of telehealth.
Sen. Wicker recognized by international education group
2019 marks @IIEglobal’s 100th year, making it the oldest educational exchange organization in the U.S. They administer esteemed programs like the @FulbrightPrgrm & @BorenAwards. I was honored to accept their Centennial Medal in recognition of my support for their work. pic.twitter.com/OL7TQE2fX7
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) May 14, 2019
WDAM – State Auditor issues $188K reimbursement demand to Lincoln Co. officials
State Auditor Shad White issued a civil demand on Tuesday to current Chancery Clerk of Lincoln County Tillmon Bishop for failure to reimburse the county for employee salary expenses from his office. Four current Lincoln County supervisors were also issued civil demands, related to voting to improperly pay the salary of a chancery clerk employee with county funds.
Mississippi chancery clerks are compensated for work based on the volume of services provided by their office. After paying or reimbursing the county for employee salaries and deducting other allowed expenses from the office account, a chancery clerk may receive annual pay of up to $90,000 from fees collected for services provided. Any additional fee payments received by the chancery clerk’s office must be transferred to the respective county general fund annually.
Mississippi county supervisors can vote to pay chancery clerk employee salaries if reimbursed by the clerk’s office. Investigators from the Auditor’s office concluded the county supervisors voted to pay these salaries, but Bishop failed to reimburse the county for over $125,000 in employee salaries from 2015 to 2018. This was discovered after a field auditor identified accounting irregularities during an audit of Lincoln County.
Wicker discusses Space Force with Acting Defense Secretary
I thank @ActingSecDef Patrick Shanahan for a productive meeting this morning regarding @realDonaldTrump’s plan for a #SpaceForce to consolidate and focus our military’s various efforts in space. pic.twitter.com/7WTFeSHBr3
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) May 14, 2019
WCBI – Local and state office candidates speak at luncheon
The Lowndes County Republican Women hosted a lunch at Lion Hills.
Candidates vying for a few different spots for state or local offices were on hand as guest speakers.
Sam Britton, who’s running for Public Service Commission and Secretary of State was there. As well as Corky Smith, Chris Hemphill, who’s seeking re-election for Justice Court Judge. Also, Trey Bowman who’s running for Transportation Commissioner.