Stay up-to-date on what’s in the news with the Y’all Politics Daily Roundup.
YP – Auditor White and Treasurer McRae: Here’s why we are opposed to increased IRS surveillance
As the State Auditor and State Treasurer of Mississippi, it’s our obligation to make sure your money is protected and Mississippi small businesses can thrive. For this reason, we are firmly opposed to the Biden administration’s proposal to increase surveillance of financial institutions and your bank account.
This summer, the Biden administration announced a plan to require financial institutions, like community banks and even Venmo, to disclose private, law-abiding citizens’ personal transaction history to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) if the account exceeded $600 of aggregate financial activity. After strong bipartisan objection to that plan, Congress ultimately rescinded the proposal. Even so, House Democrats inserted new provisions to dramatically expand the IRS, potentially preparing for increased monitoring going forward.
We remain committed to aggressively defending Mississippians from IRS monitoring plans like this for a variety of reasons. First, a proposal like this would cause people to leave the banking system. This means fraudsters and white-collar criminals will move further underground and become even harder to detect. The State Auditor’s office relies on close partnerships with banks to track and uncover criminal activity involving taxpayer dollars, so some investigations could become almost impossible if the Biden administration plan becomes reality.
YP – State Rep. Yates talks ARPA, infrastructure with Y’all Politics
State Rep. Shanda Yates (D-HD 64) joined Y’all Politics on Tuesday to discuss how the Mississippi House plans to approach the spending of the $1.8 billion in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds the state has received.
Yates said she believes Speaker Philip Gunn will soon be announcing a similar special committee as was appointed in the State Senate by Lt. Governor Delbert Hosemann to consider and make recommendation for the use of these funds. That Senate Committee has wrapped up its planned meetings and is now formulating its data to be given to the full Senate Appropriations Committee.
YP – Mississippi Senate ARPA Subcommittee holds last hearing ahead of start of 2022 legislative session
On Monday and Tuesday, the Mississippi Senate ARPA Subcommittee held its last two hearings before the end of the year and ahead of the start to the 2022 legislative session.
Lawmakers have met over the last few weeks, hearing from a variety of presenters as they consider recommendations on how to spend the $1.8 billion in American Rescue Plan Act funds being sent to the state from the federal government…
…State Senator John Polk, Chairman of the Senate ARPA Committee, said that going forward, the committee will compile the information and make recommendations on how to spend the ARPA funds.
MSDH COVID-19 Reporting
Today MSDH is reporting 652 more cases of COVID-19 in Mississippi, seven deaths, and 36 ongoing outbreaks in long-term care facilities. State #covid19 totals: 517,138 cases, 10,306 deaths, and 1,419,540 persons fully vaccinated. Full information: https://t.co/YCv9xPyJDk pic.twitter.com/LXOKvyqDfZ
— Mississippi State Department of Health (@msdh) December 7, 2021
YP – PSC Commissioner Presley talks importance of investing in the future of Mississippi
On Monday, Northern District Commissioner Brandon Presley (D) spoke at the Stennis Capitol Press Forum to provide an update on the happenings at the Public Service Commission.
As billions of dollars flow into the state of Mississippi from federal relief funds, Presley covered a variety of topics such as infrastructure, broadband, Telehealth, and more during the forum.
However, throughout Commissioner Presley’s speech, one theme stood out the most: it is time to fix the problems that Mississippians face. The Commissioner said that the pandemic highlighted that there is still work to be done, but he is proud of the progress that has been made.
YP – PSC Commissioner Presley writes new FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel over AT&T
On Tuesday, Northern District Public Service Commissioner Brandon Presley (D) wrote a letter to newly confirmed Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel asking her to take action to hold telecommunications giant, AT&T, accountable for false claims of service.
In his letter, Commissioner Presley asked Rosenworcel to follow up on a written request from all three Mississippi Public Service Commissioners in 2020 for a full compliance audit and investigation regarding AT&T’s claims of providing service to over 133,000 locations in Mississippi as part of their obligation under the Connect America Fund II.
“AT&T has a pattern and history of submitting false data. As a part of our annual certification for Eligible Telecommunications Carriers, evidence was uncovered by our agency that led to great concern surrounding validity of AT&T Mississippi’s claims and the honesty of data submitted by the company to the Universal Service Administrative Company’s High-Cost Universal Broadband (“USAC HUBB”) and the information provided to consumers when they purchase a phone or sign up for broadband service,” Presley wrote.
YP – Wicker receives Global Health ‘Congressional Champion’ Award
U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today received the 2021 Innovating for Impact Congressional Champion Award from the Global Health Technologies Coalition (GHTC) for his advocacy on global health innovation and support for infectious disease research at the Department of Defense.
As founder and co-chair of the Senate Caucus on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases, Wicker has pushed for funding and policies that strengthen the global fight against these diseases. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Wicker has also protected investments in malaria research at the Department of Defense to help save millions of lives in the global south and to ensure service member readiness. Senator Wicker also worked on the End Neglected Tropical Disease Act, which was signed into law last year and bolstered the support of treatment, control, and elimination of neglected tropical diseases through the United States Agency for International Development.
Wicker talks Biden, Putin call on Cavuto
Joined @TeamCavuto today to discuss @POTUS's caIl with Vladimir Putin.
I hope the U.S. will continue to show resolve as Russia masses troops along the Ukraine border. The U.S. and our allies must communicate in strong terms that continued aggression will not be tolerated. pic.twitter.com/DVSSVZOjGj
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) December 8, 2021