Parker’s investment will create 25 new product development jobs
Parker Hannifin Corporation’s Engine Mobile Original Equipment Division is expanding its existing facility in Holly Springs to expand its product development center. The project represents a significant investment from Parker and is expected to create 25 new product development jobs.
“Parker Hannifin’s decision to expand its Engine Mobile Original Equipment Division product development center in Holly Springs is a strong testament to our supportive business environment, which provides the winning formula for lasting, sustainable growth in Mississippi,” said Governor Tate Reeves. “The state values its partnership with Parker Hannifin and thanks the company for once again entrusting our workforce to continue its legacy of product development and manufacturing top-quality products.”
The Holly Springs location manufactures all first-fit OEM assemblies for fuel, air and crankcase ventilation filtration products. For the expansion, the division will construct an addition onto its current facility to accommodate additional product development team members. The division last expanded in Holly Springs in 2017.
“Parker is excited to announce this investment in the future of our Holly Springs facility. By expanding the product development center and expanding our manufacturing storage and production areas, this project will enable us to increase our production and inventory capacity and continue providing our customers with advanced technology solutions,” said Sudheer Ghadiyaram, General Manager, Parker EMOE Division. “We greatly appreciate the support of our partners at the Mississippi Development Authority and Marshall County Industrial Development Authority for their help in making this initiative possible.”
The Mississippi Development Authority has certified Parker through the Advantage Jobs Rebate Program, which is available for eligible businesses that create new jobs exceeding the average annual wage of the state or county in which the company locates or expands. Marshall County also is assisting with the project.
“We are pleased to have Parker Hannifin continue to invest and expand operations in our community and create great career opportunities for our residents,” Justin Hall, Executive Director, Marshall County Industrial Development Authority. “Parker Hannifin’s expansion and investment will contribute to Holly Springs’ and Marshall County’s growth for years to come.”
Parker expects to complete the expansion by mid-2022.