Cubans took to the streets to protest severe economic shortages and lack of freedoms; eruption of discontent not seen in nearly 30 years.
Activists and analysts called it the first time that so many people had openly protested against the Communist government since the so-called Maleconazo uprising in the summer of 1994.
The protests were set off by the ongoing economic crisis in Cuba. The pandemic has eliminated crucial tourism dollars leaving people to spend hours daily to buy basic and necessary food items. Many Cubans have been unable to work due to restaurants and other businesses continue to remain in lockdown.
Elected officials in Mississippi have taken to social media to encourage support of the Cuban people.
Senator Wicker voiced his support for the Cuban people advocating for ending “decades of oppression and dictatorship.”
I join millions of Americans in strong support of the Cuban people for taking action to end decades of oppression and dictatorship. #Cubahttps://t.co/JqWsldfQvX
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) July 12, 2021
Congressman Guest stated that Americans have constantly stood for freedom and that the Biden Administration should condemn communist and socialist governments and support the people of Cuba.
After decades of oppression from Communist rule, the people of Cuba are calling for liberty.
American have always stood w/ freedom-loving people everywhere, & we stand with the people of Cuba.
The Biden Admin must condemn Communism & Socialism & support the people of Cuba.
— Congressman Michael Guest (@RepMichaelGuest) July 12, 2021
Senator Hyde-Smith remarks how she is ‘moved’ by their efforts to advocate for liberty and democracy and how they have suffered under communist oppression for far too long.
We must stand with the brave men and women of #Cuba as they call for freedom. Cubans have suffered too long under communist oppression. I am moved by their cries for liberty and democracy. America must show solidarity.
— U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (@SenHydeSmith) July 12, 2021
Congressman Steven Palazzo writes that he stands with the people of Cuba as they fight to free themselves from the oppressive regimes.
How much more proof do Democrats need to see socialism DOES NOT WORK? Cuba has been trampled by oppressive regimes for far too long. I stand with the Cuban people as they fight to free themselves from tyranny.
— Steven Palazzo (@CongPalazzo) July 12, 2021