SwyftConnect was awarded these federal funds through the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase 1 Auction.
On Wednesday, Chairman Dane Maxwell of the Mississippi Public Service Commission joined leadership and staff from SwyftConnect, formerly known as Cablesouth Media III, LLC, to formally sign an order releasing $4 million to bring high-speed internet service to Amite, Lamar and Wilkinson counties.
“It’s always an exciting day when I can sign off on projects like this that bring such a huge impact to Mississippians, especially to those who need it most,” Chairman Dane Maxwell said. “With the help of this federal funding, SwyftConnect will be able to provide high-speed internet to its customers who may have never had access to it before.”
SwyftConnect recently participated in the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) Phase I Auction process and was awarded the $4,045,170. After today’s signing, SwyftConnect is now approved as a designated Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) which allows the company to accept these federal funds.
In the coming months, SwyftConnect will work to deploy high-speed internet service to rural homes and small businesses who are currently unserved or underserved.
Mississippi was the second highest recipient of these funds with a total of 21 winning bidders of RDOF funds who will potentially receive a collective total of $495,725,799.60. More information on the RDOF Phase I auction is available here including complete auction results and a map of winning bids.
Release from PSC Commissioner Dane Maxwell.