Ad Highlights Humanity of Unborn Children; Isn’t It Time Law Caught Up to Science?
Today the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) announced the launch of an initial two-million-dollar television ad campaign asserting the humanity of unborn children. The ad buy is a response to news that the U.S. Supreme Court will review a Mississippi law limiting abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The 2018 legislation passed by overwhelming majorities in the state legislature and was signed by then-Governor Phil Bryant.
We’re launching an initial $2M campaign highlighting the humanity of unborn children as the Supreme Court prepares to review a landmark abortion case
Watch the ad: pic.twitter.com/3xNV0Mm4sm
— Susan B. Anthony List #HydeSavesLives (@SBAList) May 26, 2021
The :30 spot will air on national cable, including on Lifetime, Hallmark, and Bravo networks, as well as select streaming services, and in the Washington, DC media market on top news stations.
“The science is simple: unborn children are human beings and deserve protection,” said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “By 15 weeks, children in the womb have fully formed noses and lips, eyelids and eyebrows; they can suck their thumb, and even feel pain. Across the country, state lawmakers acting on the will of the people have introduced nearly 550 pro-life bills – 70 already enacted so far this year – aimed at recognizing these facts and humanizing our laws. We are eager to further educate the nation about these realities and are hopeful that the law will soon catch up to the science.”
A growing body of scientific literature continually affirms the humanity of unborn children.
The Supreme Court announced it will consider the question of whether all “pre-viability” bans on abortion are unconstitutional. In 1973, unborn children were considered viable at around 28 weeks. Since that time, the concept of viability has shifted. Premature babies can survive at 22 weeks, if not earlier, with active care and surgeons treat children in-utero as a separate patient as they treat a growing list of conditions directly in the womb.
SBA List is a network of 900,000 pro-life Americans nationwide, dedicated to ending abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives, with a special calling to promote pro-life women leaders.