Treasurer David McRae
This month, the Mississippi Treasury launched a statewide scholarship giveaway, so I’m asking you to take a look in your mailbox for the official scratch-off postcard!
It’s no secret college tuition prices are rising and families are looking for help. Today, nearly a half-million Mississippians hold about $15.2 billion of student loan debt. It’s a drain on personal finances, but also on the state’s economy.
While I have big concerns about the government (i.e., taxpayers) being forced to write a blank check for college tuition, I do want to help families financially prepare in a fiscally responsible way. Mississippi 529 college savings plans, offered through the State Treasury, do just that.
More specifically, we offer two options. One will let you lock in today’s tuition rates and prepay college. The other operates as a special savings account for educational expenses. Both come with tax advantages for most families. I invite you to learn more at Treasury.MS.gov/CollegeSavings .
Like most things in life, the hardest part about these plans is getting started. That’s why we’re giving 15 lucky Mississippi families the opportunity to win an account this month. What’s more, we’re kickstarting their savings with a $500 scholarship deposit.
To win, Mississippians will need to keep an eye on their mailboxes for the scholarship giveaway postcards. If you scratch off a winning ticket, contact our office and we’ll take care of the rest.
Those who don’t win are still invited to open an account of their own, which can be done for as little as a $25 deposit. For full contest rules, Mississippians are invited to visit Treasury.MS.gov/ ScholarshipSweepstakes.
A college degree is expensive, but your State Treasury is doing what we can to help you reduce or eliminate the need for student loans. Check your mailbox for the official scratch-off postcard. Good luck!
Mississippi Treasurer David McRae is the 55th Treasurer for the State of Mississippi. In this role, he helps manage the state’s cash flow, oversees College Savings Mississippi, and has returned more than $20 million in unclaimed money to Mississippians. For more information, visit Treasury.MS.gov.
About the Author(s)
Magnolia Tribune
This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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