Attorney General Lynn Fitch
Attorney General Lynn Fitch invites all Mississippians to join the Attorney General’s Office in observing the week of April 18-24 as Crime Victims’ Rights Week.
“My Office is dedicated to helping victims of crime and their families as they recover from and overcome the lasting physical, emotional, and financial challenges endured,” said Attorney General Lynn Fitch. “We can all help them find hope, peace, and dignity as they move from victim to survivor.”
Over the past year, Attorney General Fitch and the Bureau of Victim Assistance have been working to create a closer network of partners across the State and provide a more personalized approach to victim advocacy. Last year, we served more than 2,200 crime victims and their families.
This week, we launched new and improved resources for crime victims.
Victim Advocates
Our victim advocates have been assigned regions of the State so they can develop stronger relationships with domestic violence shelters, counselors, and other victim service providers. This network of dedicated professionals strives to help victims move toward recovery with hope, dignity, and peace of mind. For a map of victim advocates by region, click here.
Victim Services Resource Directory
Our victim advocates have assembled this comprehensive directory to help victims find the information they need to connect with various divisions within the Attorney General’s Office, find statewide services and hotline numbers, and access pro bono resources available to victims and their families.
To download a copy of the Victim Services Resource Directory, click here.
Victim Services by County
We have also developed this interactive map to help victims and their families locate all of the resources available in each county statewide. These resources include:
- children’s service providers;
- domestic violence service providers;
- sexual assault, rape crisis, and human trafficking service providers;
- survivors of homicide victims’ service providers;
- mental health and disability services providers; and
- job training and employment services.
To download a copy of the Victim Services by County map, click here. Clicking on any county will pull up a list of services in that county, organized by type.
Crime Victim Compensation Fund
The Attorney General’s Office administers the State’s Crime Victim Compensation Fund. This money provides financial resources to eligible crime victims and survivors to offset or reimburse expenses related to the crime. More information can be found on this brochure and on the Bureau of Victim Assistance division page of our website.
“My team will continue to be unwavering advocates for crime victims and leverage public and private federal, state, and local partnerships to stop those who seek to harm our families and our communities.” said Attorney General Lynn Fitch.
If you have been a victim of a crime or know someone who has, please visit AttorneyGeneralLynnFitch.com. There, you can learn more about the rights reserved for crime victims, get connected to resources in your community, and find a victim advocate to help you move toward recovery with hope, dignity, and peace of mind.
Press Release