Legislation passed by the Mississippi Senate today included:
- Senate Bill 2839, authored by Chairman Josh Harkins, which revises the SMART Business Act to provide grants to faculty and staff at universities to develop prototypes for market. The SMART Business Act was originally passed to encourage better relationships between businesses and institutions of higher learning to promote innovation and economic development in the State.
- Senate Bill 2795, authored by Chairman Juan Barnett, which responsibly increases earned parole opportunities and increases educational and job training opportunities. Barnett has worked with sheriffs, district attorneys, criminal justice advocates, and others for months on the development of this legislation.
- Senate Bill 2824, authored by Chairman Briggs Hopson, which requires nonprofits or other entities receiving a line-item appropriation from the Legislature to provide a report on expenditures. Currently, these entities are not subject to the open records laws like other public entities receiving taxpayer dollars.
- Senate Bill 2621, authored by Chairman Brice Wiggins, which establishes a task force to examine Mississippi’s current domestic and family laws related to childcare, custody, guardian-ad-litem and other issues.
“Our Senators are focused on legislation which increases transparency, maximizes the use of state dollars, recognizes ingenuity, and improves the lives of Mississippians,” Lt. Governor Delbert Hosemann said.
The deadline for original floor action on general legislation currently pending on the calendar is Thursday, February 11, 2021. For more information on Lieutenant Governor Delbert Hosemann, visit www.ltgovhosemann.ms.gov.
Press Release
About the Author(s)
Magnolia Tribune
This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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