YP – Mississippi 2020: The Top 10 Political Stories of the Year
No one saw the coming of the unmitigated chaos that 2020 wrought, and most are glad to see it go.
On the national stage, political theater overtook our society in every facet of life and in every corner of America…
…Here in Mississippi, we have felt the hardship, grieved our own plights, but have generally fared better. We found a way to balance fear with remaining productive both at home and on the job. We honored our past but took great strides into our shared future. Our protests were actually peaceful. We went back to school and proved the Magnolia State is firmly in the 21st Century. We rejected much of the divisive national narratives and chose to rise above the fray in our public policies. Mississippians fought for our brothers and sisters in our hospitals, in our city halls, at the Capitol, on our football fields, and on the ground amidst floods, tornadoes and hurricanes but we did not fight in our streets. We did not let our emotions get the best of us, and when we did, we took those feelings outside to the great outdoors and we enjoyed God’s creation. Mississippi stayed the course in 2020 and remained a place of sanity and solace in a world gone mad…
See the Top 10 stories in Mississippi politics in 2020.
YP – Hosemann says 2021 session delay still on the table
On Tuesday, Lt. Governor Delbert Hosemann reiterated again his desire for a delay in the 2021 Legislative Session. It was his proposal that members come in on January 5 and then adjourn until March 1 in an attempt to maintain public health guidelines regarding indoor gatherings.
The rumors of a potential delay in session first began at the end of November when multiple sources from the House and Senate told Y’all Politics there was talk of a pushed back start date. The idea seemed to stem from high COVID-19 numbers in the state and a desire to avoid them while giving the vaccine a chance to make its way throughout the population.
MSDH daily COVID-19 reporting
Today MSDH is reporting 1,943 more cases of COVID-19 in Mississippi, 85 deaths, and 244 ongoing outbreaks in long-term care facilities. The total of #covid19 cases for the year is now 210,032, with 4,719 deaths. Case details and prevention guidance at https://t.co/YCv9xPyJDk pic.twitter.com/XqiJLxqZSI
— Mississippi State Department of Health (@msdh) December 29, 2020
YP – Central PSC Commissioner Bailey talks broadband, robocalls with Y’all Politics
Central District Public Service Commissioner Brent Bailey joined Y’all Politics on Tuesday to recap his first year in office and talk about the work the commission has undertaken in 2020.
Bailey talked about the millions of dollars Mississippi has received for broadband expansion and the PSC’s efforts to combat telemarketers as well as the need for funding so their staff can maintain the customer service Mississippians expect.
YP – MDA: IG Design Group expanding in Marshall County, creating 300 jobs
Specialty paper products company IG Design Group Americas, Inc. is expanding operations in Marshall County. The expansion is part of a project that represents a $57.41 million corporate investment and will create 300 jobs overall.
“IG Design Group’s decision to bring hundreds of new jobs to Marshall County will provide an abundance of opportunities for the area’s workforce, subsequently stimulating the local economy and building stronger communities throughout the region,” Gov. Tate Reeves said. “The state of Mississippi appreciates the IG Design Group team for once again investing in our state – especially during these challenging economic times.”
MS Democratic Party Chairman comments on Republican Congressmen’s vote on COVID relief
Well said Rep. Schiff. I want Mississippi Republican Congressmen Trent Kelly, Michael Guest, and Steven Palazzo to explain to their constituents how they can support the $1.5 trillion tax giveaway to the rich but cannot support a meager $2,000 to poor Mississippians. https://t.co/EqSNeAd0IY
— Tyree Irving (@turning_MS_Blue) December 30, 2020
YP – MDHS Announces additional benefits for SNAP in January
Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, households currently receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits will be eligible for a supplemental benefit for January 2021. Similar benefits were provided for certified SNAP households for the previous months.
SNAP households that have been certified based on meeting income and resource requirements are eligible to receive the supplement benefits. These households will receive benefit supplements up to the maximum benefit amount, based on household size. For example, the maximum benefit for a 2-person household is $355. A 2-person household authorized to receive $200 for the month will receive an additional $155, the total maximum amount the household could receive.
Governor Reeves honors former lawmakers Rogers
Mr. Ray was one of the good guys in this business. In fact, he was just one of the good guys, period. RIP. pic.twitter.com/iKgzZYPZyI
— Governor Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) December 28, 2020