Congressman Steven Palazzo (MS-4) today issued the following statement after voting against a $1,400 increase for direct economic stimulus payments that were included in the recent coronavirus relief package that was passed by Congress and signed by President Trump.
“There is no doubt that many Americans are suffering. For months, I have said that the passage of COVID relief should be the top priority of this Congress. Still, time and time again, Nancy Pelosi has come up with partisan proposals that do little to nothing to address our economy and jobs. The relief package signed by President Trump is the result of a great deal of work between the White House and congressional leadership,” Palazzo said.
“While the idea of additional stimulus money sounds good, giving away cash without adequate barriers to ensure only those who need help get it is dangerous. This vote is the result of Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushing their socialist agenda when given the opportunity. Our country is deeper in debt than we have ever been, and the time for hard decisions is now. People across Mississippi would love to have $2,000 checks instead of $600 checks, but when it comes down to it, our country can’t afford the nearly half trillion-dollar price tag that comes along with that.”
Release from Congressman Steven Palazzo.