State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs: “The funds couldn’t come at a better time.”
Treasurer David McRae today presented the State Health Department with a check for $124,620 after the State Treasury found unclaimed property in the Department’s name. This adds to the $7 million found and returned since McRae took office in January, $1.7 million of which was returned during the COVID-19 crisis.
“We are extremely grateful to the State Treasurer for this fantastic check,” said State Health Officer Thomas Dobbs, MD, MPH. “The Mississippi Department of Health has so many acute infrastructure needs just to stay operational, so the funds couldn’t come at a better time.”
“Returning unclaimed property is one way the State Treasury can give Mississippi an economic boost without adding to the financial burden hardworking taxpayers already carry,” said McRae. “We are thrilled to have found and returned nearly $125,000 to the State Health Department at a time when so many families are relying on them for COVID-19 information. Thank you to everyone in the Department who has worked tirelessly to keep Mississippi safe and healthy.”
Unclaimed property is turned over to the state when banks, credit unions, and even retail stores are unable to find the rightful owner. After five years, financial institutions turn that money over to the state and the Treasury’s Unclaimed Property Division is charged with finding the owner and returning the money.
Searching for unclaimed property is easy. Just visit treasury.ms.gov, enter your name in the search box, and click go.
Press Release